SCWA members and friends are needed to help with a tree planting event in the Morgan County Industrial Park on September 24, 2011 at 9 A.M. We will be planting 200 trees in the area surrounding the Washington Homeopathy Building to help slow storm water runoff into tributaries of Sleepy Creek and to stabilize the soil. The trees have been ordered and will consist of white pines and deciduous trees such as oaks and maples. Once the trees are established, they can absorb up to 68 percent of rain fall and are a good filter of phosphorus and nitrogen as they uptake moisture through their roots. This will help keep these chemicals, as well as sediment from erosion, out of our creeks and waterways.
Holes will be pre-augured, and top soil and wire cages (to prevent deer damage) will be on the site. Volunteers should bring buckets, shovels and hammers or small sledges to pound metal stakes to support wire cages. SCWA will provide gloves and drinking water. A bag lunch will also be provided for those who sign up in advance.
To reach the planting site, from Route 9 East and US 522 (at Sheetz) go south 10.7 miles to the entrance of the Morgan County Industrial Park. Turn left onto J.R. Hawvermale Way and follow the paved road two-tenths of a mile to the end. Turn right onto paved road to the Washington Homeopathy Building.
Everyone is invited to participate, and trees will be planted RAIN OR SHINE. Please sign up in advance in order to provide enough bag lunches. Contact Gale Foulds at 304 258-6155 or
Tree Planting Volunteer Opportunity
Thursday, September 8, 2011
- By Stephanie
Volunteer Opportunities