PollinatorLIVE Program

We have so many opportunities that come to us from NCTC that it is amazing. Here is the link to video on pollinators that you may be interested in. After you watch it, there is another link to a feedback form.

Greetings Pollinator Partners:

If you weren't able to watch "Nature's Partners: Pollinators, Plants and
People" live on April 13, the program is now available as streaming video at
http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org/webcasts/natures_partners.php. (Make sure
you refresh the page to access the proper videos.) The program is available
in English and Spanish. Watching the video and conducting a lesson plan
available at http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org/teacher/lessons.php would be a
great end-of-the-school-year activity to get students learning outside.

Your feedback is important to us. After you watch the program, please fill
out an evaluation at http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org/evaluation.php. As
thanks for completing the survey, we will: send you a Bee Basics booklet and
maps of the national forests and national refuges; enter your name into
drawing to win one of 10 garden baskets full of educational tools and
materials to help pollinators; and plant one milkweed plant in a school
garden or USDA People's Garden to help our pollinator friends during their

The April 13 program at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center was the last
live event planned for PollinatorLIVE. However, all of the previous
webcasts are available on the web site at http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org
to watch with your class at any time. For more information, lesson plans,
resources that meet National Science Education Standards, or citizen science
activities, check out the web site.

Questions? Contact Kristy Liercke at lierckkx@pwcs.edu or at (800)
609-2680. PollinatorLIVE is brought to you by the USDA Forest Service,
Partners in Resource Education, and many other sponsors and partners.

Harpers Ferry Volunteer Opportunities

Good Morning Hike Leaders!

We have just a few hikes left for this school year and I am looking for some
folks to help lead them.  On May 2, HFMS students would like to hike from
Keys Gap to Harpers Ferry along the AT.  This hike will board a bus at
school at 9:00 and will be back at school at 2:00.  On May 5 and May 6 I am
looking for a hike leader to do an easy or medium difficulty hike with
students from Wildwood.  A hike schedule with the specifics for the rest of
the year is attached below.  Please let me know if you are able to lead one
of these hikes.

Below is a flier for a GPS training we are offering for all hike
leaders or potential hike leaders.  Please RSVP to me by 4/29 to participate
in this training.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Amber Kraft
Education Specialist
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
Phone: 304-535-6293

Pharmaceutical Collection Event Comes to Berkeley County

On April 30, 2011, the Berkeley County Sheriff's Department will conduct a collection event of expired, unwanted or unused pharmaceutical controlled substances and other medications for destruction.

This event is part of a National Take-Back Day initiative by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency to coordinate a collaborative effort with state and local law enforcement agencies to remove potentially dangerous controlled substances from our nation’s medicine cabinets. Collection activities will take place from 10:00 a.m. through 2:00 p.m. at two sites established in the county. The National Take-Back Day provides an opportunity for the public to surrender expired, unwanted, or unused pharmaceutical controlled substances and other medications for destruction. These drugs are a potential source of supply for illegal use and an unacceptable risk to public health and safety. In addition, many Americans do not know how to properly dispose of their unused medicine, often flushing them down the toilet or throwing them away – both potential safety and health hazards.

This one-day effort is intended to bring national focus to the issue of increasing pharmaceutical controlled substance abuse.

•The program is anonymous.
•Prescription and over the counter solid dosage medications, i.e. tablets and capsules accepted.
•Intra-venous solutions, injectables, and needles will not be accepted.
•Illicit substances such as marijuana or methamphetamines are not a part of this initiative.

The two collection sites in Berkeley County are:

1) Hedgesville Volunteer Fire Department

4217 Hedgesville Road

Hedgesville, WV 25427

2) South Berkeley Volunteer Fire Department

8009 Winchester Avenue

Inwood, WV 25428

More regional locations can be found at: Find collection site(s) near you

Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Lt. Gary Harmison of the Berkeley County Sheriff's Department at 304-267-7000.

Mill Creek Volunteer Opportunity

Hi everyone, please consider joining us to plant some trees in Mill Creek watershed at Edgewood Manor on April 30, 2011, at 9:00 a.m.
Please consider sharing it with your local scout troop, church, Ruritan, garden club, etc etc!

Alana C. Hartman

WV Dept. of Environmental Protection, Potomac Basin Coordinator

HC 63 Box 2545 Romney, WV 26757 (304) 822-7266 alana.c.hartman@wv.gov

May Volunteer Opportunities

Most of these were postponed by the weather earlier this month.

May 3 and May 4 are 2nd graders at Yankauer, 8:30-1:00.  We are in DESPERATE need on Tuesday May 3 as we have about 75 kids coming (with teachers and chaperones), but that is a HUGE group to handle with only 2 people.

May 5 is a hike on the Kingfisher Trail with middle school students from The Park School in Baltimore.  They come every year as a school trip.  Time is 2:15 to 3:45.  There are only about 12 students expected (with chaperones).

May 24 and 25 are watershed field trips at Back Creek, on Route 9 past Hedgesville, just before Tomahawk School.  This is 4th grade and we will have a couple of classes in the morning, then a couple right after lunch.  Time is approximately 8:30-2 p.m.  Activities will be water quality testing, looking for macroinvertebrates, and a short nature hike/stream bank assessment.

May 26 is a watershed field trip at Mountain Ridge School on Route 45 out of Inwood (Exit 5 off I-81).  We have several activities for them to do outside the school as well as cross the road to get to Mill Creek so they can look for macroinvertebrates.  Time approximate is 8:30-2:00. 

If you can think of someone who might like to help, please pass on the information or let Ellen know and she will contact them.  (It all counts as VH!)

Growing Up WILD Volunteer Opportunity

If you are interested, this would count as about 4 hours for elective or recertification. This is a preschool program and a good one.

Hello WILD folks,

I am pleased to announce an upcoming Growing Up WILD workshop in Romney, WV, May 12, 2011. Please see attached for details. Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think might want to attend as a participant. If you are a facilitator and are interested in attending with me to observe and help, please contact me. Thanks.

Karen McClure

Project Wild Coordinator
WVDNR - Wildlife Resources


Meet Your Standards with Wildlife Activities in Classrooms – Scouts – Parks - Camps

Fun, engaging activities about animals

WILD Days for ages 3-7

Correlated to Head Start and NAEYC standards and scout badges.

Free workshop and Curriculum Guide

Hosted by Brittny Redman, Romney Little Rascals Day Care

Directions: 53 W Main ST Romney, WV 304-822-3456

Dress to be Active Inside AND Outside

Thursday, May 12, 2011. 9:00 am until 2:00 pm

For more information, check out www.projectwild.org/GrowingUpWILD.htm

To sign up, please email Brittny Redman: mrsredman@live.com

For questions, please contact Karen McClure: karen.a.mcclure@wv.gov

WV Garlic Mustard Challenge

The West Virginia Garlic Mustard Challenge is coming to Yankauer Nature Preserve on Saturday May 7 from 10 a.m.-12 noon! It is sponsored by PVMN and all members are encouraged to be there! There’s certainly plenty of garlic mustard to pull and it’s always more fun to have lots of volunteers helping. Bring your family and friends even if you can only stay for an hour.

This is our first PVMN sponsored service project for the year. Others are the Mile A Minute Eradication effort at Flowing Springs Park on Saturday June 4 and service projects at Cacapon State Park and Yankauer Nature Preserve later this year.

The Garlic Mustard Challenge is a cooperative effort by the Monongahela National Forest, the Potomac Highlands Cooperative Weed and Pest Management Area, and the Appalachian Forest Heritage Area. This is the third year of the Garlic Mustard Challenge. The state goal for 2011 is pulling up 20,000 pounds of garlic mustard!

Garlic mustard is one of West Virginia’s most invasive plant species. It out competes native plants by hogging all the light, moisture, nutrients, soil and space. Garlic mustard also deprives wildlife, such as the rare West Virginia white butterfly, of food sources that are instrumental to their survival. Garlic mustard likes the moist, shaded soil of floodplains, forests, roadsides and forest openings. Areas that have been disturbed are even more vulnerable to invasion.

We look forward to your help on May 4!

Ellen, Wanda, Krystal, and Nancy

Opequon Creek Volunteer Opportunities

Greetings from Opequon Creek Project Team,

We have two great volunteer activities. The annual Alice P. Ferguson cleanup event is this Saturday, April 9, 9:00 AM, at Stonebridge on Flaggs Crossing Road near Blairton Road just east of Martinsburg and just west of Stonebridge Golf Course. We will be cleaning the creek side and wooded area around the public access parking lot. Join us if you can!

The second event is a buffer planting next week on the Opequon. More information about this event is on the flyer below.

These events are held rain or shine. Please dress according to the weather.

Thanks for all your help!