PVAS Volunteer Opportunities

PVAS really, really needs help for these events! Working a booth is not hard—you just have to answer questions from folks. It’s usually rather fun and if there are 2 people, the time goes really fast!

PVAS is going to be represented in three locations on September 17th. We'll be spread pretty thin, so we'd LOVE some help staffing booths for all or partial days. We're seeking friendly faces, folks familiar with PVAS and the Master Naturalist Program, and good people skills. We'll provide the tents, information, and activities. Interested? Here's where we'll be:

Berkeley Springs Birding Festival:
Judy Webb is coordinating the festival and is looking for volunteers throughout the weekend to help staff the festival information desk, hand out brochures, sell tickets, etc...
Friday, Sept. 16 3:30-10pm: At the Country Inn
Saturday, Sept. 17, 9am-10pm: At the Country Inn
Sunday, Sept. 18, 9-11am: Country Inn. Help clean up room, silent auction pickup, etc..
Please contact Judy Webb directly if you'd like to help with this any portion of this event at natureniche@earthlink.net or 304-258-0992.

Sharpsburg Heritage Festival, Sept. 17th:
Vendors set up on Saturday morning between 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM. The event begins at 10:00 AM. Vendors are asked to remain set up from 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM during the festival. Breakdown may begin at 5:30 PM.

Charles Town Heritage Festival, Sept. 17th:
Vendors set up on Saturday morning between 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM. The event begins at 10:00 AM. Vendors are asked to remain set up from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM during the festival. Breakdown may begin at 5:00 PM. (You could meet Richard Dreyfuss!)If you are interested in helping with either of these for at least part of the day, please contact Kristin Alexander at 304-676-3397 or PVASmail@aol.com. Thank you!

Future booth event:
Looking ahead, we could also use help at the Berkeley Springs Apple Butter Festival in October.
Saturday, Oct. 8th, 10am-5pm (parade is at 9 if you like parades)
Sunday, Oct. 9th, 12-5pm
Contact Peter Smith if you'd like to volunteer for this event at pvsmith@frontiernet.net or 304-876-1139.

Thanks, all!