Elective and Volunteer Opportunity

Hi Everyone-
If you are in need of MN class hours for elective credit (or you just can’t quit taking nature classes!), you have a great opportunity the last weekend of September. This will be the Berkeley Springs Fall Birding Weekend—it’s the third year! The brochures will be out soon, but you have advance notice!

You can get 3 hours of elective credit by attending the Saturday night sessions. There are 2 and both sound really interesting. Tickets for the entire evening are only $10 (both speakers and dessert)! The programs are described below. To reserve your tickets (early, before they disappear), contact Judy Webb (judy@natureniche.biz) or call her at 304 258-0992.
There are also shorter programs on Friday night (7:30 p.m. “Name That Bird” with Dr. Scott Shalaway) and Saturday (1 p.m. “The Joys of Backyard Birding” with Betty Harmison) that count as recertification hours. No ticket is required for those.
In addition, if you need more VH for this year, the festival needs help with the registration booth at The Old Country Inn in Berkeley Springs. Help is need on Friday September 24 from 3-9 p.m. and Saturday September 25 from 8-10 a.m. and 1-9 p.m. If you only have a few hours to spare, you can help for only a part of the time. If you can help, email Judy Webb at judy@natureniche.biz and tell her what times you are available.


Saturday Night Programs

7:00 pm Behind the Scenes Investigations Marcy Heacker, Forensic Ornithologist at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History will share her research investigations into the mysteries of aviation bird strikes. (Remember the Hudson River Crash?) and the searches for possible elusive survivors of extinct species—notably the Ivory Billed Woodpecker. The Garden Room is the location for the Saturday evening events.

Following Marcy’s presentation, enjoy dessert and coffee in the Garden Room.
8:15pm The Enchanted Island Dr. Scott Shalaway will share his Galapagos adventures with photos taken during a recent birding trip on which he served as group leader.