PVMN is sponsoring at Leave No Trace trainer workshop on September 11-12. This is a great opportunity that you may want to take advantage of—it counts as 4 hours of MN workshop credit. The course will be held September 11-12 at "For Love of Children" (FLOC) Outdoor Education Center located in Shannondale (off Mission Rd off Route 9 east outside of Charles Town).
This class is open to the public so you are welcome to refer others to it or bring a friend to join you at the training.
Normally the training involves camping in a tent, but if you prefer to sleep at the FLOC lodge, there are limited rooms available for $30 a night. That is in addition to the course fee.
We need to know if you are planning to sign up by August 25 so that all arrangements can be finalized. If you are thinking you will take the class, but have just not gotten around to signing up, please go ahead and do so. In fact, send me an email saying you are signing up; then send the registration form and fee to Leigh Jenkins.
The Leave No Trace (LNT) program emphasizes skills and techniques essential to LNT minimum impact outdoor ethics and education. This training course consists of a total of 16 hours of experiential instruction, 10 hours of which must be conducted in the field and one night of camping. Topics covered during the course include the role and function of an LNT Trainer; the principles and ethics of LNT; teaching skills and techniques and student learning LNT program; the role and function of the non profit organization LNT, Inc. Each participant will understand, demonstrate, and be able to teach minimum impact techniques for friends, family, sponsoring organization and other community groups and lead a discussion on outdoor ethics and help others explore their own personal outdoor ethic. A student who completes this course will become a qualified LNT Trainer.
More information and a detailed schedule with a list of items to bring will be provided upon registration.
The registration fee for the course is $35.00 per participant. To register, download the MN workshop form at www.potomacaudubon.org
If you have any questions, please contact Clark Dixon at dixonconsultants@aol.com