Dear Master Naturalists,
If you are available, Tuesday Sept. 14th is the United Way's Day of Caring. We typically have about 80 people out at Yankauer hauling mulch, pulling stilt grass, getting the flower garden under control, and other various projects.
While this year we have LOTS of volunteers, we don't have a lot of knowledgeable volunteers to lead the charge for trail trimming (the difference between a fern and multiflora rose when trimming trails) and weed pulling (stilt grass vs. a native grass).
I would LOVE some Master Naturalists on hand to help lead the charge on these types of nature-oriented projects, and this would definitely be worth some volunteer hours.
I'm expecting volunteers to arrive at Yankauer around 8:30 am and everyone is usually gone by 3pm. (Of course, if you'd like to help clean up and get more hours, I won't complain.) There's also a breakfast for volunteers at 7:30 at War Memorial Park, we provide a hot lunch at the preserve, and there's a delicious "backyard barbecue" type dinner at the Clarion in Shepherdstown from 4:30-6:30 for volunteers. What more could you want? Breakfast, lunch AND dinner, complete with some VH on the side! (And if you still want more to do, there's a free concert at Yankauer from 6:30-7:30!)
Please let me know if you'd be willing to come and be a crew leader and share some of your MN knowledge with others. Spending a weekday in the woods with wonderful fellow volunteers is an added perk. You can e-mail me at or call me at 304-676-3397 to let me know of your willingness.
Kristin Alexander
Yankauer Volunteer Opportunity
Friday, September 10, 2010
- By Stephanie
Volunteer Opportunities
Yankauer Preserve