Good Morning-
What a weekend! I hope you are recovering from that 4 hour romp through a 400 million years of geology!
If any of you know already that you will need to miss a core class on our MN schedule and are intent on finishing this year, you can find classes at the Wheeling MN group. (Elective hours can be made up with any other elective that you have not already taken.) Oglebay’s schedule is:
Reptiles, April 18 (1-5 p.m.) [our class is the day before]
Wildflowers and Weeds (May 15, 9-12 noon) [ours is May 1]
Terrestrial Habitats (May 15, 1-5 p.m.) (called Backyard Habitats on their site) [ours is Oct 2]
Trees and Woody Plants (May 16, 1-5 p.m.) [ours is September 18]
Aquatic Habitats (May 22, 1-4 p.m.) [ours is July 10]
Wetland Habitats (August 15, 1-5 p.m.) [ours is August 14]
Insects (September 18, 9-12 noon) [ours is June 12]
Classes are taught at the Oglebay Resort Good Zoo and each has a separate price, generally $18-$24, depending on the number of hours. To register, go to and click on the WVNaturalist link. Registration forms can be downloaded.
DO NOT FEEL LIKE you have to finish in one year. We have had less than ½ of all the previous classes finish in one year. Many folks prefer to take 2 years because it allows them to “have a life” while in the program. As you saw over the weekend, folks from the 2009 class were with you.