Mountain View Elementary School
36803 Allder School Road
Purcellville, Virginia 20132
Fellow Master Naturalists,
I write to ask that you be a presenter at the Seventh Annual Science Olympiad at Mountain View Elementary School in Purcellville, Virginia. This event will take place in the school yard, classrooms, hallways, gymnasium and offices of Mountain View School on June 15, 2010. The program will begin at 8:00 AM and conclude at 2:00 PM. Students attending the programs will be fourth and fifth graders. Presenters are asked to conduct four 50-minute sessions. There will be a 10 minute break between sessions. A gourmet lunch will be provided by the PTA.
Thirty or more presenters are needed to keep the number of students attending each session in the 8-10 range. We have found this small group aspect conducive to active participation for students involved. Presenters, as well, have found this format to be most satisfying.
We ask that presenters involve participants as active learners. This “hands on/ minds on” format has been an outstanding and memorable opportunity for our students in the past.
This year, we are trying something new. You will have a student assistant from science classes at Loudoun Valley High School. Science teachers at Loudoun Valley High School have organized their classes to teach science lessons to elementary students throughout this school system. I think you will enjoy working with these outstanding students. The high school students will also benefit greatly from the experience.
Previous presenters have come from The Audubon Naturalist Society, Shepherd University, The Smithsonian museums, The US Naval Academy, local high schools, and the community. Topics have included rocketry, ph testing of consumer products, rocks and minerals, backyard wildlife habitats, orienteering, archeology, astronomy and more. We hope to add a new variety to the topics presented as well as add new presenters to keep this program vital and meaningful.
Please return the form emailed to you by May 15, 2010 if you would like to share your expertise in making this year’s event exciting and challenging for our students. A complete information packet and directions will then be on its way to you.
Thanks very much. I look forward to hearing from you. Your participation will serve to make this event even more memorable for the students involved.
Jim Jenkins
Teacher, Mountain View Elementary
Science Olympiad in Purcellville, VA Volunteer Opportunity
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
- By Stephanie
Volunteer Opportunities