Wheeling Master Naturalist Schedule

Good Morning-

What a weekend! I hope you are recovering from that 4 hour romp through a 400 million years of geology!

If any of you know already that you will need to miss a core class on our MN schedule and are intent on finishing this year, you can find classes at the Wheeling MN group. (Elective hours can be made up with any other elective that you have not already taken.) Oglebay’s schedule is:

Reptiles, April 18 (1-5 p.m.) [our class is the day before]

Wildflowers and Weeds (May 15, 9-12 noon) [ours is May 1]

Terrestrial Habitats (May 15, 1-5 p.m.) (called Backyard Habitats on their site) [ours is Oct 2]

Trees and Woody Plants (May 16, 1-5 p.m.) [ours is September 18]

Aquatic Habitats (May 22, 1-4 p.m.) [ours is July 10]

Wetland Habitats (August 15, 1-5 p.m.) [ours is August 14]

Insects (September 18, 9-12 noon) [ours is June 12]

Classes are taught at the Oglebay Resort Good Zoo and each has a separate price, generally $18-$24, depending on the number of hours. To register, go to www.oglebay-resort.com/goodzoo and click on the WVNaturalist link. Registration forms can be downloaded.

DO NOT FEEL LIKE you have to finish in one year. We have had less than ½ of all the previous classes finish in one year. Many folks prefer to take 2 years because it allows them to “have a life” while in the program. As you saw over the weekend, folks from the 2009 class were with you.


Science Olympiad in Purcellville, VA Volunteer Opportunity

Mountain View Elementary School

36803 Allder School Road
Purcellville, Virginia 20132
E-mail: jenkinsjim@att.blackberry.net

Fellow Master Naturalists,

I write to ask that you be a presenter at the Seventh Annual Science Olympiad at Mountain View Elementary School in Purcellville, Virginia. This event will take place in the school yard, classrooms, hallways, gymnasium and offices of Mountain View School on June 15, 2010. The program will begin at 8:00 AM and conclude at 2:00 PM. Students attending the programs will be fourth and fifth graders. Presenters are asked to conduct four 50-minute sessions. There will be a 10 minute break between sessions. A gourmet lunch will be provided by the PTA.

Thirty or more presenters are needed to keep the number of students attending each session in the 8-10 range. We have found this small group aspect conducive to active participation for students involved. Presenters, as well, have found this format to be most satisfying.

We ask that presenters involve participants as active learners. This “hands on/ minds on” format has been an outstanding and memorable opportunity for our students in the past.

This year, we are trying something new. You will have a student assistant from science classes at Loudoun Valley High School. Science teachers at Loudoun Valley High School have organized their classes to teach science lessons to elementary students throughout this school system. I think you will enjoy working with these outstanding students. The high school students will also benefit greatly from the experience.

Previous presenters have come from The Audubon Naturalist Society, Shepherd University, The Smithsonian museums, The US Naval Academy, local high schools, and the community. Topics have included rocketry, ph testing of consumer products, rocks and minerals, backyard wildlife habitats, orienteering, archeology, astronomy and more. We hope to add a new variety to the topics presented as well as add new presenters to keep this program vital and meaningful.

Please return the form emailed to you by May 15, 2010 if you would like to share your expertise in making this year’s event exciting and challenging for our students. A complete information packet and directions will then be on its way to you.

Thanks very much. I look forward to hearing from you. Your participation will serve to make this event even more memorable for the students involved.


Jim Jenkins
Teacher, Mountain View Elementary

March 20-21, 2010 Itinerary -Cacapon Resort State Park

Old Cacapon Inn

Schedule of Events –

Friday, March 19, 2010 – Optional for folks spending Friday night

You may make optional reservations to stay overnight at the Old Inn or Main Lodge on March 19 and/or March 20, 2010 through Kelly Smith by calling 304-258-1022/http://www.cacaponresort.com/

When checking in, go to the main lodge first to pay. Keys for the rooms should be in the lobby of the Old Inn. The Old Inn is rustic with single beds and a shared bath for two rooms depending on how many folks stay there. It is in easy walking distance from the main lodge.

5:00 pm room check in-

• No formal evening activities planned so enjoy your evening on your own. Dining options include exploring Berkeley Springs restaurants, dinner at the main lodge, or bringing your own food. Kitchen is available in Old Inn for those staying there.

Saturday, March 20, 2010 – All participants

• 7:15 am – meet and greet fellow naturalists – continental breakfast provided by PVMN
• 8:00 – introduction to Master Naturalist program and leaders of PVMN
• 8:15 Instructor, Charley Potter, Recording and Preserving (core class, 4 hours)
• 10:00-10:15+/- Break then continued instruction
• 12:30 pm – bring bagged lunch /planned get to know you activity
• 1:15 Instructors, Kathryn Henry and Wanda Miller, General Ecology (core class, 4 hours)
• 3:00-3:15+/- Break then continued instruction
• 5:30 end of instruction
• 6:00 dinner at lodge (optional, Dutch treat)
• Informal evening possibilities depending on weather – flashlight walk, share a favorite nature reading by the fire, movie

Sunday, March 21, 2010 - All participants

• 7:15am hearty breakfast for overnight guests provided by PVMN
• 8:00 Instructor, Ed Snyder, Geology (elective, four hours)
• 10:00-10:15+/- Break then continued instruction
• 12:15 End of morning instruction/short break to allow for early departure – bring bagged lunch
• 12:30 Instructors, Kristin Alexander and Jeff Feldman, Nature Interpretation (core class, 4 hours)
Working break
• 4:30 End of instruction

Please Note The Following:
  • Some events have been switched around in presentation order from the original schedule.
  • Be sure to check the weather to be prepared for outside activities and indoor chills (can be chilly at the Old Inn).
  • The Old Inn has a fully furnished kitchen that you are welcomed to use during the sessions. Snacks during the breaks will be provided.
  • Be aware that there is limited cell phone service at the park. For more specific information about Cacapon Resort State Park – http//www.cacaponresort.com/
  • If you wish to have copies of the computer presentations, bring a thumb drive in order to copy.
If you need any clarifications, please contact

Ellen Murphy or Nancy Little

Thank you for joining the Potomac Valley Master Naturalist Program!

Mill Creek Volunteer Opportunity

March 27, 2010, along Mill Creek just south of Gerrardstown. We can use everyone’s help for even a couple of hours if you can spare it. There are going to be about 1000 plants in all, and those in pots will have holes pre-augered.

Please let me know if you are thinking of coming, so that we can plan accordingly and so that we can alert you if plans change due to, oh maybe an unexpected snowstorm?!

We are asking that you bring your own bagged lunch, drink, gardening gloves, shovel and mallet if you have them, clothes that can get muddy, etc. Please see the flyer for more information. Please post it wherever you think it might attract another person or two.

Click flyer to enlarge.

Thank you,

Alana C. Hartman
WV Dept. of Environmental Protection, Potomac Basin Coordinator