PVAS Picnic

Don’t miss one of the best (eating) events of the year! This Saturday, June 11, is the PVAS annual meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the pavilion at the Yankauer Nature Preserve.

All PVAS members are invited and children are welcome! As a MN, you were given a one-year membership in PVAS and if you haven’t already renewed, you can come and remember what makes PVAS such a great organization.

The meeting includes the election of directors and recognition of volunteers, but we always eat first!! (And the meeting is pretty short.)

The potluck supper is provided by YOU and everyone asked to bring a dish to share. Those whose last names begin with the letters A-H are asked to bring vegetables or fruit; I-L, a dessert; M-R, a protein dish; and S-Z, a starch dish. The chances are good that some of the BEST pies you will ever eat will be there (hint, hint, Susan!)

All are asked to bring their own dishes, flatware, and the like. You might also want to bring a lawn chair if you don’t want to sit on the benches.PVAS will provide water and lemonade.

For more info, contact Kristin Alexander at 304-676-3397 or pvasmail@aol.com