May Volunteer Opportunities

Most of these were postponed by the weather earlier this month.

May 3 and May 4 are 2nd graders at Yankauer, 8:30-1:00.  We are in DESPERATE need on Tuesday May 3 as we have about 75 kids coming (with teachers and chaperones), but that is a HUGE group to handle with only 2 people.

May 5 is a hike on the Kingfisher Trail with middle school students from The Park School in Baltimore.  They come every year as a school trip.  Time is 2:15 to 3:45.  There are only about 12 students expected (with chaperones).

May 24 and 25 are watershed field trips at Back Creek, on Route 9 past Hedgesville, just before Tomahawk School.  This is 4th grade and we will have a couple of classes in the morning, then a couple right after lunch.  Time is approximately 8:30-2 p.m.  Activities will be water quality testing, looking for macroinvertebrates, and a short nature hike/stream bank assessment.

May 26 is a watershed field trip at Mountain Ridge School on Route 45 out of Inwood (Exit 5 off I-81).  We have several activities for them to do outside the school as well as cross the road to get to Mill Creek so they can look for macroinvertebrates.  Time approximate is 8:30-2:00. 

If you can think of someone who might like to help, please pass on the information or let Ellen know and she will contact them.  (It all counts as VH!)