Flowing Springs Volunteer Opportunity

The first all-PVMN volunteer project of 2011 is at Flowing Springs Park (next to Home Depot in Ranson) on Saturday April 2. The event time is 11 a.m.-4:00 p.m. but you can volunteer for only an hour if that meets your schedule better. This event is one that all Master Naturalists and current students should consider a priority to help with. We will be having other “all PVMN” volunteer projects this year as well because the purpose of being a Master Naturalist is to give back to the community.

Master Naturalists are particularly needed to help with leading walking tours of the property showing various highlights such as the source area of the spring, invasives that we are trying to eradicate, identifying plants, looking for animal signs, sharing the future vision of park for trails, etc. Now quit thinking you don’t know anything about those things—you are Master Naturalists and can share your interest in discovering nature if nothing else!!! You don’t have to be an expert to share your interest in nature with others.

Help is also needed with invasive removal (that doesn’t require that you talk to anyone!!), stream exploration in the water, and at the “meet and greet” table.

Contact Ellen ellen.l.murphy@comcast.net or Kristin Alexander (pvasmail@aol.com) to set up the time and activity you can help with.


Virgina Winston has passed on this information about the annual Native Plants in the Landscape Conference held at Millersville Univ, PA (Lancaster area) June 2-3-4 this year. They have attended this conference several times in the past and it is really well done, we have always learned a lot. Our own Wil Hershberger will be one of the featured speakers at this year's event. The website is http://www.millersvillenativeplants.org// It looks quite interesting!