2011 Class dates

For those continuing with the Master Naturalist classes this year, the TENTATIVE list of dates for 2011 is as follows. You can use this to determine when the classes you need to complete the course will be offered.

Core classes are required for you to graduate. Elective hours can be substituted hour for hour with any approved elective, but it is easier for you to plan on the ones offered.

March 19-20 Cacapon Orientation, General Ecology, Names/Classification/Identification and Soils (elective), Nature Interpretation/Teaching and Geology (elective)

April 30 Shepherd University Birds and Wildflowers/Weeds

May 21 NCTC Terrestrial Habitats and Recording/Sharing and Preserving What You Know

June 11 Cool Spring Farm Reptiles/Amphibians, Beavers (elective), Mammals

July 16 Cacapon Aquatic Habitats

August 6 NCTC Slime Molds (elective), Insects/Spiders & Such

Sept 10 Cool Spring Farm Wetland Habitats and Habitat Improvement

Oct 1 Yankauer Trees/Shrubs/Woody Wines, Service Project and Elective (elective)

Nov 5 Cacapon Service Project, Auction, and Casual Picnic

Nov 19 NCTC Annual Meeting and Presentation of Certification

Core classes are required for you to graduate.  Elective hours can be substituted hour for hour with any approved elective, but it is easier for you to plan on the ones offered.