April 17, 2010 Cool Spring Farm


Who:      For all PVMN to attend.
What:     Meet and welcome the 2010 NM class and attend a free elective class.
When:    April 17, 2010
Where:   Cool Spring Farm (directions attached) of Charles Town.
Time:     5:30 – 9:00pm (Pot Luck Supper time is 5:30 to 7:00pm and then scheduled from 7:00 – 9:00pm is the 2 hour free elective class on Wetland Night Sounds with Wil Hershberger and Kelly Smith!

Please “bring a dish to share”, along with plates, silverware and a cup to drink from. Beverages: water and lemonade provided. You may also want to bring your own chairs and bug repellent.

This is also a chance for MN to pick up your own copy of the “new innards” of the WVMN manual.

Plan to attend this meet, mix, mingle, eat, drink, learn & have fun event!!!

Spouses may attend; however please do not bring children - since this is an adult learning event.

Hope to see you there!

Directions to Cool Spring Farm