NASA's GLOBE Program Humming Bird Certification Workshop

Dear Educators and Citizen Scientists,

Have you ever wondered the question, “Where do the hummingbirds go in the winter?” Well, if you like to study or teach seasonal changes by observing one of the most fascinating of Earth’s creatures, then you should consider signing up for one of the limited seats at this year’s GLOBE Program Ruby-Throated Hummingbird workshop. I will be there working with Bill Hilton, Principal Investigator of Operation Rubythroat to certify teachers and citizen scientists alike on how to share your hummer observations with the scientific world. Please read the open letter below.


Todd I. Ensign
Program Manager
NASA IV&V Facility
Educator Resource Center100 University Drive
Fairmont, WV 26554
Voice: 304-367-8438

New River Hummingbird Festival

You are invited to join in launching the first-ever New River Hummingbird Festival, August 13-15, 2010 at the Blackberry site at ACE Adventure Resort in Minden WV (near Oak Hill in Fayette County).

The New River Hummingbird Festival will be an exciting family-oriented three-day festival offering an array of birding and nature presentations. Born of Fayette County's internationally acclaimed New River Birding & Nature Festival (named a Top 10 birding venue in Bird Watcher’s Digest) and co-hosted by ACE Adventure Resort, the New River Hummingbird Festival is destined to be a real crowd-pleaser.

Directing the Festival:

Ø Dave Pollard, Fayette County Resource Coordinator who co-conceived of and implemented the annual New River Birding & Nature Festival

Ø Bill Hilton Jr., Hummingbird expert, Consulting Director of New River Birding & Nature Center, and cited by Discover magazine as one of “50 Best Brains in Science”

Festival schedule overview:

o Friday, August 13

• 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Hummingbird Workshop on hummingbird natural history from feeding to

nesting to migration; observing and photographing hummingbird behavior; designing a hummingbird habitat; attracting and caring for hummingbirds in your own backyard (or schoolyard or nature center); reporting hummingbird observations via EarthTrek and The GLOBE Program; using hummingbirds as a teaching tool; banding hummingbirds; etc.

(Advance reservation required by contacting Rachel Davis at 304-880-8059; limited to 20 guests, ages 16 and up; $20 fee; lunch provided; recommended audience is formal and home-school educators, naturalists, and hummingbird enthusiasts)

• 7 – 9 pm Presentation: “Ruby-throated Hummingbirds: From Your Yard to Costa Rica . . . and Back!”

(free and open to the public; recommended audience ages 12 and up)

o Saturday, August 14

• 9 am – 5 pm Hummingbird banding demonstrations, vendors, exhibits

(free and open to the public; all ages)

o Sunday, August 15

• 9 am – 3 pm Hummingbird banding demonstrations, vendors, exhibits

(free and open to the public; all ages)

All monies received go to the Fayette County Education Fund, which underwrites youth programs. Their principal activity is Leadership Fayette County, whose goal is “to provide Fayette County youth with the information and tools needed to enable them to make the choice to return to Fayette County to Live, Learn, Work and Play upon completion of their higher education.”

We hope you’re able to be there and we look forward to seeing you at the inaugural New River Hummingbird Festival!

Best Regards,

The New River Hummingbird Festival Team

Upcoming Electives

There will be a new elective class at Cacapon State Park on July 24 from 10 to 12. Jane Whitaker, noted bee expert, will be offering instruction on native bees. There will be a classroom presentation followed by field work concentrating on collection and identification. This will be a 2 hour elective for Master Naturalists.

The Leave No Trace (LNT) program emphasizes skills and techniques essential to LNT minimum impact outdoor ethics and education. This training course consists of a total of 16 hours of experiential instruction, 10 hours of which must be conducted in the field and one night of camping . Topics covered during the course include the role and function of an LNT Trainer; the principles and ethics of LNT; teaching skills and techniques and student learning LNT program; the role and function of the non profit organization LNT, Inc. Each participant will understand, demonstrate, and be able to teach minimum impact techniques for friends, family, sponsoring organization and other community groups and lead a discussion on outdoor ethics and help others explore their own personal outdoor ethic. A student who completes this course will become a qualified LNT Trainer. The course will be held September 11-12 at "For Love of Children" Outdoor Education Center located in Shannondale. More information and a detailed schedule with a list of items to bring will be provided upon registration.

The registration fee for the course is $35.00 per participant. If you have any questions, please contact Clark Dixon at .

To sign up for either class, please use the workshop form at